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Some computer related questions and answers

Question-1. What is computer? What are computer parts?

Answer: Computer is an electronic device. So that some information is given in advance, which gives specific output to the arithmetical and logical data inputted through the input device and processed by the processor.

Input Unit: The unit through which all information or data is provided to the computer is called input unit. eg- * keyboard; * mouse; * Scanner; * joystick; * Lightpen; * Digital camera; * Punch card reader; * Optical Mark Reader; * Optical Character Reader and * Paper Tape Reader.

What is computer?

Memory Unit : The unit in which information can be stored and retrieved when needed is called a memory unit. For example- * hard disk; * floppy disk CD; * DVD and * Flash Drive.

Arithmetic & Logic Unit: Arithmetic & Logic Unit performs all calculations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division etc.

Control Unit: This part controls all the functions of the computer.

Output Unit: The unit through which the computer gives all the results is called output unit. For example- * monitor; * Printer; * Visual display; * Film recorder; * ¯Speaker and * Microphone.

Question-2. Write computer work.

Answer: Computer performs following 4 important functions. namely-

* Programs created by the user for the purpose of solving problems are received by the computer and stored in memory
executes computer programs under user instructions;
* Receives data through input devices;
* Processes data and
* Expresses the result through the output device.

Question-3. CPU (CPU) is called the brain of the computer?

Answer: The CPU (Central Processing Unit) is the most important of the organizational parts of the computer. Mathematical analysis, logical arrangement, control and temporary storage of the instructions we give while working on the computer; In short, all the processing work is done in this part. Just as the brain of an animal keeps the body running by controlling all the functions, the computer CPU keeps the computer functional by performing all the functions. That is why the CPU is called the brain of the computer.

Question-4. Write some important features of computer.

Answer: Accuracy, speed, accuracy, rational decision making, versatility, memory, automaticity and endurance.

Question-5. What are the basic limitations of computers? Do computers have the power to think?

Answer: A computer is just a machine. It has no thinking power, no intelligence or ability to make judgments through analysis and consideration.

Question-6. Write the characteristics of different generations of computers.

Answer: First generation (1951-1959)
* Generating a lot of heat due to its large size;
* Very little memory;
* Made of vacuum tubes;
* Memory magnetic drum;
* Program execution using code;
* These computers have high mechanical disturbances, maintenance and power costs and
* Programs were written in mechanical language in this generation of computers.

Second generation (1959-1965)

* It used module design where the major parts of the circuit could be built on separate boards;
* Greater reliability, greater capacity and ease of data transfer;
* Small in size, high speed and low power and heat generation;
* Made by transistor and memory magnet core and
* Programs were written in assembly language.

Third Generation (1965-1971)

* Development of various types of advanced memory systems;
* Use of extensive integrated circuits;
* Power consumption is low due to small size
* Programming with high level languages started from third generation computers.

Fourth generation (1971–present)

* Use of advanced chips and miniature computers;
* Huge amount of memory and extremely fast and
* Data exchange using telecommunication lines.
Fifth Generation (Future Generation)
* This type of computer can make 10-15 million logical decisions per second.
* Can be communicated through words. As a result, this generation of computers will be able to hear and speak.
* This generation of computers will have artificial intelligence. As a result, the computer accumulates experience in decision-making
can use
* Can receive data from visual input or images.

Question-7. What is abacus?

Answer: An abacus is a rectangular wooden structure with small spheres or beads attached to cross wires. Abacus, like today's computers, treated numbers as signals or codes—signaling the position of wire in the structure and the presence of beads on the wire. It is believed to have been invented in Babylon in 3000 BC. Abacus was commonly used to calculate addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, square and square root.

Question-8. What is Analytical Engine?

Answer: In 1834, Charles Babbage began planning a calculating machine capable of any type of calculation. In which there was a plan to store program execution and accounting instructions on punch cards. This instrument is analytical
known as the engine.

Question-9. Who is Charles Babbage? Why is he called the father of computers?

Answer: Charles Babbage is Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge University. He designed a mechanical computer called the Analytical Engine in 1834, which had control parts, arithmetic and logic parts, memory parts and other features like modern computers. Charles Babbage is called the father of the computer as this machine of Charles Babbage is the predecessor of the modern computer.

Question-10. Who is considered the first computer programmer and why?

Answer: Ada Augusta, daughter of English poet Lord Byron, is considered to be the first computer programmer. Because he wrote the programs for the Analytical Engine, the predecessor of the modern computer.

Question-11. Who gave the idea of program execution stored in memory?

Answer: In 1945 the famous mathematician John von Neumann first proposed the concept of program execution stored in memory.

Question-12. Who invented the computer? Why is he called the inventor of the computer?

Answer: Computer was invented by Howard H. Eakin. A full-fledged digital computer named Mark-1 was built in 1943 under the supervision of Howard H. Ekin in a joint venture between Harvard University and IBM. That is why Howard H. Eakin is called the inventor of the computer.

Question-13. When and who made the transistor?

Answer: In 1948 William Shockley, John Burdeen and H. Britten jointly developed the transistor at Bell Laboratories in America.

Question-14. Who makes I.C (Integrated Circuit)?

Answer: Jack Kilby of Texas Instruments and Robert Noyce of Fairchild developed the IC in 1958.

Question-15. Who and when made the microprocessor?

Answer: Dr. Ted Hoff developed the microprocessor in 1971 (first microprocessor Intel-4004).

Question-16. Who is the father of microcomputer? Why is he called the father of the microcomputer?

Answer: Electrical engineer H Edward Roberts is called the father of microcomputer. He developed the first microcomputer named Altair-880 in 1975. That is why electrical engineer H. Edward Roberts is called the father of microcomputer.

Question-18. When was the IBM (International Business Machines) PC made?

Answer: Personal computer was released on August 12, 1981.

Question-19. When and who founded Microsoft?

Answer: In February 1975, Harvard University student Bill Gates and his close friend Paul Allen of Washington State University wrote BASIC programs for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. After attending the Massachusetts Institute of Technology after graduating from Paul Allen University, Bill Gates fully entered the computer world and founded Microsoft Corporation in 1977.

Question-20. When and who founded the Apple company?

Answer: In 1976, Steve Jobs and Stephen Wozniak created the Apple-1 computer. The following year they founded the Apple Computer Company.

Question-21. Who is the father of the Internet?

Answer: Vinton G Curf, the father of the Internet

Question-23. Who introduced e-mail (electronic mail)?

Answer: Ray Tomlinson introduced e-mail in 1971.

Question-24. Who are the founders of the popular search engine Google?

Answer: In 1994, Sergey Brin and Larry Page founded the popular search engine Google.

Question-25. Who is the founder of the popular social networking site Facebook?

Answer: The popular social networking site Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg

Question-26. What is software and how many types?

Answer: A set of sequential instructions to solve a problem is called software.
Software is mainly of two types:
* System software (ie: operating system) and
* Application software (eg: Microsoft Word).

Question-27. What is firmware?

Answer: Some information is permanently stored in ROM for initial operation of the computer, this information is called firmware.

Question-28. What is the operating system?

Answer: The program used to control the computer itself is called operating system.
For example, Windows XP, Windows Vista and Linux.

Question-29. What is multimedia?

Answer: The combination of text, animation, audio and video to present a topic is called multimedia.

Question-30. What is a computer network?

Answer: The connection of two or more computers for the purpose of sharing data or resources is called a computer network.

Question-31. What is the Internet?

Answer: Connecting two or more different standard networks through intermediate systems (eg gateways, routers)
Networks of mixed nature designed by interconnections are called Internet.

Question-32. What is e-mail?

Answer: E-mail is the abbreviation of electronic mail. With the help of e-mail, information can be exchanged quickly using the Internet. Whereas it takes a few days to send a letter by ordinary post; There, with the help of e-mail, information can be exchanged anywhere in the world within seconds.

Question-33. In what year and where was the first computer used in Bangladesh?

A. In 1964 at the Bangladesh Atomic Energy Research Centre.

Question-34. When was the online internet service launched in Bangladesh?

Answer: Online internet service was launched in Bangladesh on June 4, 1996.

Question-35. What is a computer virus?

Answer: The full name of VIRUS is Vital Information Resource Under Seize. A computer virus is a type of malicious program. It interferes with normal computer programs. In 1988, Fried Cohen identified computer viruses.

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